The United States is a very fast-paced place to live these days, with so many different gadgets available to everyone that sometimes we actually lose track of the relationships we have with people. More and more kids are playing video games or are spending time on the internet, which causes them to not get the same human interactions that we got when we were children. I think that it is great that all of this technology is now available for us to use, but I do think that we can get too wrapped up in it if we are not careful. I think that one of the best ways to get back in touch with people, and also to try to slow down your life is to get back to nature. If you leave your laptop, your cell phone, and yes even your iPod at home, then you will be amazed at how many different things you can experience within a short period of time. Camping in the woods really brings people closer together.
Whether you have not been spending enough time with your family, or you have started to fall out of touch with some old friends, it is time to take a camping trip to try to bring everyone closer together again. When you go camping you can relax and take time on communicating with the people that you are camping with. Also you will share experiences on your trip that you will remember for the rest of your lives. These experiences really help to bond people together forever.
Two of my favorite camping trips I have ever been on were with some of my old college friends. One of the trips we went to the Fort Davis Mountains and hiked to the summit of Guadalupe Peak, and the other trip we traveled through Alaska camping on the side of the road in one of the state parks. Both of these trips were very challenging, which caused my friends and I to really depend on each other to get through the trip. We had a great time, and it just made us much better friends, because we had time to talk to each other and catch up on all of the things that have happened in our lives.
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