Thursday, June 30, 2016

Words that hypnotize - using subliminal language to get what you want

Many people wish to gain a greater influence over others in their life. There can be a lot of reasons for this. Business interactions, social situations and even friendships could profit from the proper use of language. Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a way to use language in such a way that it really impacted the listener and "drove" home the idea or concept we were trying to share? Wouldn’t it help if you could properly convey the meaning of what you were saying?

Well there is such an approach and it was first devised, by cunning hypnotists, as a way of speaking directly to the subconscious mind without the subject being aware of it! It is called hypnotic language or hypnotic conversation.

Hypnotists manipulate this clever use of language in order to relax their subject during hypnosis and deepen their trance. It is a very simple technique that has become famous within hypnotic circles and is even starting to be used in the business world. Beware though, its use must be subtle.

It basically involves your tone of voice and how you intone certain words. You put the slightest amount of emphasis on the words in a sentence to change it from a question or proposal to a command. For example "maybe you want to relax completely or maybe you just want to chill out", seems straight forward enough. However, manipulate the sentence with the use of hypnotic language and it changes from a proposal to the command "you want to relax completely" and "you just want to chill out".

So how can we do this?

It is really very simple. But before you find out the how’s we must know the why’s.

Non-verbal communications make-up about 80%, at least, of the message that we are trying to convey to people. Regardless of what it is that you are actually saying, your body language, posture, eye movement, blood flow to the face and a myriad of other signals tells a person exactly what you are trying to communicate. For this reason we can often get the sense that someone is lying to us or not telling us the whole story even when they are searing that what they are saying is the truth. Subconsciously we pick up on these non-verbal clues and "read" the situation as being different from how the person speaking is trying to convey it. Those people who can beat lie-detector machines can, either consciously or unconsciously, regulate these non-verbal communications.

Likewise the intonement you use in your everyday speech is a very important factor in all speech. Your tone of voice can convey messages to your subconscious mind that go unnoticed by your conscious, rational mind. It is through the use of your tone and the spacing of your words that you can literally hypnotize the person you are speaking to. You can also use this technique to turn any words you want in a sentence into subliminal commands.

For instance in the above mentioned example the hypnotist would say the sentence in the following way, [slow and melodic] "mayyyyybbbbeeebe" [in a harder authoritative tone "YOU WANT TO RELAX COMPLETELY", [slow and melodic] "orrrrr mayyyyybbbbeeeee" [again in a harder authoritative tone] "YOU JUST WANT TO CHILL OUT".

It should be noted that this effect is very subtle and only becomes noticeable when it is pointed out to you. During hypnosis you are consciously aware that the hypnotist is speaking in a rather strange manner but don’t have any clue as to what is going on and think it is just part of the induction process. However, in a real-life situation the subtlety has to be observed even more - for obvious reasons.

Let’s take an example. You are in a business meeting and want your proposal to be accepted. You say the following, "perhaps if you give this some thought you may find that this is a good idea and one worth pursing now or maybe even in the future". Simple enough! Now lets make it a hypnotic subliminal command.

You would say,

"perhaps if you give this some thought you may"

" find"

[shorten the normal pause between the last word and the next]


[pause for a millisecond longer and change your tone only slightly]

"this is a good idea and one worth pursing now"

[pause for a millisecond longer]


[shorten the normal pause between the last word and the next]


"even in the future".

The sentence then becomes a command to the subconscious mind which it will accept because it notices the difference in tone as follows, "perhaps if you give this some thought you may find that THIS IS A GOOD IDEA AND ONE WORTH PURSUING NOW or maybe even in the future".

You should play with this use of hypnotic language until you can fully comprehend what is actually going on. If it is done in a hasty or unrehearsed manner it is plainly apparent to everyone what you are doing. The people who are experts at this go unnoticed and you would never know they were doing it - until now!

Listen to hypnotists (and others who want to persuade know who they are) speaking and see if you can pick out the hypnotic subliminal commands they are using. This will help you develop your new found skill.

Before ever trying it in a real setting practise it on someone close and ask them did they notice anything different about your language and if so ask them if they can identify the difference and if they knew what you were doing. After some practise and a few neat outcomes you will get the hang of it.

Smoking ban proves more beneficial for non-smokers

Described as a filthy habit by many, smoking has long been considered a threat by most if not all non-smokers. Health-wise, the discrimination is quite reasonable, if only because the health risks to non-smokers are even greater than on those who are. Despite the fact that smoking might have benefits as a form of self-medication for depression, the “high” it produces is temporary. Needless to say, the risks associated with smoking far outweighs its very few benefits, if that word can be used at all in the context of smoking. Most people would rather not be exposed to the cigarettes and the smoke emitted from it. This is especially true in public places, if the number of territories and countries where smoking is banned in public places is any indication. However, aside from public convenience and the supposed “discrimination” against smokers, there are health benefits for non-smokers because of the smoking ban.

Recent studies show that better respiratory health has been achieved or at least is perceived to be now more attainable among non-smokers. The reason behind this positive health perception is the passage of legislation to ban smoking in public. A recent study found that non-smokers who were not exposed to second-hand smoke were showing better signs of respiratory and circulatory health than they were prior to the ban being put into place. Interestingly, most countries that have public smoking bans in place did not foresee this happening and had originally placed legislation against the habit to help cut down the number of people engaged in it. No one is complaining about this unexpected development, of course, being that it is a welcome thing for the non-smoking population.

The data contradicts the expectations of the people who institute such bans. Most people who issue legislations to ban the public consumption of tobacco and cigarettes believe it would cut down on the number of people who did so. Recent research seems to indicate that this is not the case, with the rate of people people quitting the habit remaining steady before and after the bans. This suggests that banning them from smoking in public is not helping them quit and may simply be forcing them to do so in other, less accessible areas. However, since these areas are out of the public arena, non-smokers are reaping the benefits of cleaner, smoke-free air in areas where a ban is in effect.

The study also took into consideration the number of people being hospitalized for smoke-related ailments. Two areas were investigated, with one having a clear and long-standing public smoking ban, and another that had no such legislation passed. The study specifically chose two hospitals, one in each area, that admitted patients for those smoke-related ailments. The study found that less people went to the hospital for heart and respiratory conditions related to smoking were much lower in the area where the ban was in place, whereas it remained steady in the area without a ban.

The research team noted that even just a little exposure was capable of doing much damage to the cardiovascular system with evidence being provided by the study itself. The smoke causes blood vessels to constrict and reduces the amount of oxygen that goes into the brain. The study showed that, even if the non-smoker has no other risk factors, mere exposure to second-hand smoke can increase the risk of cardiovascular damage greatly.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Discount atv tires

Discount ATV Tire manufacturing requires a great degree of technological input at various stages. This is because All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) endure - just as their namesake suggests - a hige set of terrain types. This could include jagged rocks, fallen tree branches, and so on. And as the turning radius on an ATV is very sharp, the tires need to be able to withstand the constant twisting and pulling. Since most of these tires endure stress and strains which can rip a defective tire to shreds within minutes, it is essential to be vigilant while going in for purchase of such tires.

In a typical ATV, Discount Tires perform multiple roles, including transmission of traction to the road surface, supporting the chassis of the vehicle, and absorbing the shocks from the surface. ATVs are commonly used in racing, and this represents the ultimate test for any tire. Discount Tires also have an important role to play in maintaining the direction of the vehicle. During the course of racing, ATVs are made to turn and jump, among other things. This puts lot of strain on the vehicle and consequently, the burden on tires is also increased. While selecting ATV tires, the size becomes an important deciding factor. In case your ATV wheels are undersized, the safety of the vehicle could be compromised.

Whatever Discount Tire Store you buy your ATV tires from, make sure they are extremely well versed in all the technical specifications of the tires they sell. It could mean the difference between a serious crash and a great time had on your ATV.

Get quick and cheap money with low cost secured loan

Shopping around for various lenders and comparing them with each other on the basis of the cost and interest involved in it. Have you ever thought why we follow this procedure? Obviously, so that the best deal comes your way; best in terms of the rate of interest and terms and conditions.

While planning for secured loan the person may get confused as to where to look for a lending company. Nowadays the market is full of lenders providing Low cost secured loans. Only your sense of choosing is required to get the best loan. First step in locating the lenders is getting the addresses and numbers of various financial lenders. Their contacts can be easily obtained from the telephone directory.

Another source for determining the lenders is through the online mode. Online process makes the search more convenient and faster. Online facility also enables the person to compare various lenders in regard to the terms and conditions of the loan.

After the person has finished up with locating the lenders, the next thing that the borrower has to consider is the loan amount and the type of collateral he will place with the lender. In fact, the borrower must choose a high value collateral, which will enable him to get the low rate of interest and flexible loan terms and condition.

Once the person has decided how much he wants to borrow and the type of collateral he will place, the next thing will be to collect the quotations from the various lenders by visiting each lending company and requesting those companies to provide a rate quote. After getting the quotations from different lender, the last step is to compare them. Comparison will let you know that which one suits you the best.

Basically, every loan whether secured or unsecured has its own importance; but if we compare secured loan with any unsecured loan, secured loan offers lower rate of interest and flexible terms and condition as compared to unsecured loans. Secured loans help the person in getting the larger amounts and longer repayment period. However, it is not the case with unsecured loans. Though, sometimes the secured loan may take long time to get approved; the reason behind this is the evaluation of the asset and the involvement of paper work.

It is generally seen that the people with bad credit history face difficulties in getting the loan. But, the secured loan lender is also interested in providing loan to borrowers with bad credit history.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Get cheaper finance by availing personal loans

Are you finding it difficult to avail loan for your personal needs? Well if you are well versed in various aspects of personal loan you can avail it with ease and that too at lower interest rate. Personal loans are utilized for numerous purposes such as home improvements, paying for wedding or education bills, going to a trip, buying a car. You can pay off debts also through taking personal loans.

Personal loans are of two types---secured and unsecured. Under the secured category, personal loans are availed on providing collateral to the lender. The collateral may be of any property of the borrower such as home, vehicle, bank account, valuable papers etc. Collateral serves many purposes as first it ensures the lender that his loan amount is secured and secondly interest rate and loan amount depends a lot on the collateral.

Under secured personal loans, lenders provide an amount anywhere in the range of Ј5000 to Ј75000 to the borrowers. If greater loan is needed then lender will look for equity in the collateral which is value of the collateral minus borrowings of the loan seeker. Higher equity will ensure greater loan.

One advantage of secured personal loans is lower interest rate. Borrowers can bargain for even further lowered interest rate if they compare different personal loan packages of loan providers.

Unsecured personal loans are availed without offering any collateral to the lender. Tenants or non-homeowners generally take unsecured personal loans. This loan comes with higher interest rate as the lender wants to cover his risk in offering the loan in the absence of collateral. The loan amount under this category remains limited. Financial position and repayment capacity of the borrower plays vital role in unsecured personal loan deal.

Borrowers going through a bad credit phase are also eligible for personal loans. These people should look into their credit score. Lenders take a credit score of 620 and above as healthy and risk free for providing loan. Pay off some of the debts and credit score improves dramatically. You should take your credit report to a reputed credit rating agency and add some positive financial developments in it.

Getting personal loan is easy but do not forget that if you take a loan of greater amount than your repaying capacity then chances of falling into a debt trap increase. Search for the suitable loan package and be regular in paying monthly installments.

Deadly connection between cigarette smoking and back pain

Cigarette smoking has been strongly linked to a number of serious health conditions like heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer, and other cardiovascular ailments. This habit is responsible for nearly 440,000 of more than 2.4 million premature deaths in the United States and is one of the leading causes of death around the world. The effects of cigarette smoking has been well documented in terms of cardiovascular and circulatory health is concerned. However recent medical studies have uncovered a link between smoking and back pain.

Various researches suggest that smoking may heighten the risk of developing back pain by about 30 percent. In addition to back pain, smokers may also be susceptible to pain in the neck, shoulders, hands, elbows, knees, and hips. Though the cause of this condition is unclear, one possible reason is that cigarette smoking may damage the general musculo-skeletal (muscles and skeleton system) tissues by reducing blood supply to the tissues, raising clotting risks, and reducing the flow of nutrients to muscles, joints, and back. Heavy coughing due to cigarette smoking may also be a factor in the development of back pain among smokers.

This damage is possible because cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemicals, in which 60 are carcinogenic. Formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, benzene, and ethylene oxide are some of the substances that may cause cancer. These chemicals may accelerate the development of artherosclerosis, a disease that affects the large and medium arteries. This condition damages the blood vessels making them difficult to relax. Smoking may also cause the artery walls to stiffen the artery walls and cause pieces of plaque to clog some arteries. Once the plaque clogs the arteries, blood flow may be hampered and some nutrients may be deprived to some parts of the body which includes the spine and may lead to back pain.

Studies that link cigarette smoking to back pain are not conclusive and may need more studies to be verified. However, the message is clear, smokers who suffer from back pain have many reasons to kick this dreaded habit. Quitting smoking may not immediately relieve the pain, but it may help. Cutting the habit may also lower the risk of developing heart disease, various forms of cancer, and other diseases.

Individuals who have a hard time cutting the habit may use scientifically proven quit smoking products and alternative methods that are available. These products however cannot do all the work, the best and effective to quit smoking involves determination, discipline, and commitment to stop the habit permanently. Using these products and engaging in alternative methods can help smokers cut the habit by making them more comfortable and complacent to adjust to life without cigarettes. These products should not be used without the approval of health professionals because it may cause unwanted side effects to certain individuals and interact with other drugs.

People who want to quit smoking may also try other methods of quitting smoking by trying other methods like meditation and self hypnotism. Ask your doctor on how you can engage in these activities. With the right tools and attitude, cigarette smoking can be stopped permanently.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Laminate flooring plenty of designs

One of the greatest advantages of laminate flooring is the sheer selection of different patterns you can have on it. While real wood flooring comes in one look – that is, wood – laminate can have almost anything on it. It is, after all, just a picture printed on a piece of fibreboard, and it’s not difficult to get photos of different materials, even very exotic ones.

Wood effect floors are obviously the most popular, but they don’t necessarily have to be natural-looking wood. Many people go for wood-effect floors in odd colours, such as blue or black, or ones that fit together to make a big picture that would never occur in nature.

After wood patterns, the second most popular thing to have on laminate is stone. Stone-pattern laminate can be surprisingly convincing if it is well printed and put together, and gives your home a great ‘old castle’ look and feel. You don’t get the uneven surface of stone, but then again many people see that as an advantage over real stone – and the floor doesn’t get really cold in the winter, either!

Ceramic is another popular option, especially when it has been fitted with a damp-proof membrane for use in bathrooms and kitchens. It recreates the look of a tile floor, but without the dangers of slipping when it gets wet, or the tendency of tiles to collect dirt and other nasty things in the cracks between them.

But there are plenty of designs that are more unusual than this – far too many to list here, in fact. The best thing to do is to go down to your local laminate flooring showroom, where they will have a whole range of products, from the realistic to the simply ridiculous. Once you realise that you’re no longer limited about what your floor could look like, it can be very liberating from a design point of view.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Search engine optimisation to rank or not to rank

To have an online presence today is the only way to survive in this highly competitive world. And once a company or individual creates a website, they need to make sure it is Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) friendly. There needs to be certain key words and phrases which are inserted which will help get the listed in the major search engines and bring in more business. Internet marketing is the term used by almost everyone today. This is the method by which you market your company, products and services online. Optimization of the net is essential to beat the competition and get up on top in your industry.

Search engine optimization becomes effective when your website is ranked high. That is, when a user types in a keyword, the list displayed as search results must include your site as well. Only then will there be increase in targeted traffic to your site. You can also have pay per click management system on other related sites which will divert traffic to your portal. Being visible in the search engines is the bottom line for any site to succeed and serve its purpose. Else it will be one among the billions of web pages going unnoticed everyday and useless to the company or person who has created it.

Having unique content on your page will also mean you need to adopt a search engine marketing strategy. It becomes all the more important to gain ranking and visibility on the search engines. It’s one thing to get people to visit your site; it’s a whole different ball game trying to keep them coming back for more. This means, not only should your site be interesting, it should also contain all possible optimisation techniques, to draw the same people over and over. There are some sites that people visit repeatedly and it is only because it comes up on top of the organic search engine listings when a specific keyword is typed in the search bar.

Back links help you increase your sites ranking and page rank. The more links you have, the higher the ranking you will gain. And if anyone tells you links don’t rank your site, they probably are ignorant of how valuable the rank status is in boosting your site’s popularity and aiding business. Through internet marketing and search engine optimization, you can increase ROI, overall revenue and build your business within no time. Keep in mind the content of the site should be the key factor luring people to your web page, therefore it needs to be fresh, and unique.

Dubai holidays

Dubai is the largest of the seven United Arab Emirates, among Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ajman and Umm Al Quwain. Dubai has become a magnificent tourist hub over the past few years. It is located only few hours flight from UK. There are many travel agents in UK offering cheap flights to Dubai from London with discounted rates. The mounting list of things to do and attractions in Dubai take account of an exciting nightlife, water sports, golf, desert safaris, shopping, sightseeing, sunbathing, and fantastic dining experiences.

Shopping In Dubai

Dubai fairly ought to have its title as the “Shopping Capital of the Middle East”. An open port with low import duties and no taxation, the city present the good deal seeker invincible value. Major brand-name goods are effortlessly available and are much less pricey in Dubai than their source country.

Beach Attraction of Dubai

Dubai has beautiful, unspoiled, white sand beaches with Arabian sunshine and the warm turquoise waters of the Arabian Gulf to calm and please your sanity. Dubai's foremost beaches run beside Jumeira Road.

Historical Attractions of Dubai

The main historical attractions in Dubai are: - Dubai Creek, Hatta, Sheikh Saeed House, Dubai Museum in Al Fahidi Fort, Heritage and Diving Villages, Bastakiya, Al Ahmadiya School, Bait Al Wakeel, Bin Muzaina House, Burj Nahar, Majlis Ghorfat Um-Al Sheif.

As one of the fastest rising tourist destinations in the world, Dubai holidays and flights to Dubai are becoming intensely competitive among travel agents. Amongst the widely available flights to Dubai from London Heathrow airport, etihadairways. myavacations. co. uk, the UK based appointed travel agent of Etihad Airways is offering cheap flights to Dubai with an additional discount of Ј10 per person.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Oriental rugs

Oriental rugs have come a long way since their early days. The early days were a time when the rugs produced in the east were popular in the east only. Persia, India, Turkey and Tibet were some of the oldest manufacturers of these rugs. The main reason due to which these were not so popular in the west was lack of transportation in the older days.

The rug industry has carved a niche of its own. Initially, rugs were popular only in the west but in recent days, this popularity has spread to the east also. The manufacture of rugs using machines has also increased. One of the most favored among the machine manufactured rugs is the oriental rugs. Some of the properties of oriental rugs which make them unique are:

§ Though the cost of these rugs is high, they are designed with the finest textures and give a royal look to your home.

§ Oriental rugs are woven in different countries with different designs. For example, the rugs from Iran or Persia are huge, bulky, and exquisite. Oriental rugs are designed by incorporating the culture of their own country and the neighboring countries in the design. 828 International, AminCo, Feizy, Kalat, Lotfy, Momeni, Nichols, Fette, Samad, Tamarian, and Trans-Ocean are some important designs of oriental rugs.

§ These rugs when purchased from a genuine dealer are a lifetime investment and give good value for your money.

§ Oriental rugs come in Geometric patterns or simple designs, bright colors or light tones, with can make every room in your house beautiful.

The important factors to be kept in mind when purchasing an oriental rug are:

i. Since these are costly, the exact size which you require must be measured first.

ii. The quality of rugs depends on the knots woven per square inch. If the knots per square inch are higher, the rug is of better quality.

iii. Look for imperfections on the rug surface.

The oriental rugs are durable and environment-friendly. These are hand made and each strand is hand stretched to provide greater strength and consistency. The two types of knots used in making oriental rugs are - the symmetrical Turkish knot or the asymmetrical Persian knot. Horizontal looms are used to weave smaller rugs and vertical looms to weave larger ones. The time for completion varies with the size of the rug. Since oriental rugs are costly, all your needs must be assessed properly before you buy one.

The oriental rugs are designed by experts who are well versed with the tradition and culture of their region. They try to transfer this culture into their rugs through well depicted sceneries and designs. In the recent days, a sort of innovation has crept into the manufacture of these rugs. Weavers have been blending old models with new ones in the recent days. The Persian designs are famous all over the world today also. Recognizing this popularity, the manufacturers are finding newer ways to incorporate these designs into the modern rug

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Creating an office that is effective for a home business

For many home business owners, running a business at home can create the problem of being distracted by every little thing. The telephone, television, kids, visiting neighbors, and even pets become a distraction when the home office isn’t set up properly because it is still integrated into the other parts of the home. A proper home office should allow you to have a space in which you can focus on your work, and where you are not even tempted to become distracted by other aspects of life. Investing in creating a proper home office will increase the way that you value your business, and in turn you will see an increase in productivity and profits.

The primary goal to a home office is to separate the space from other parts of the home. If you do not have an extra room to devote to your home office, you can create a separate space with screens or curtains. Visually blocking off the space asserts the difference between living area and working area to both yourself and others.

It is also key to have a separate phone line. It’s virtually impossible to get any work done if the phone is ringing every ten minutes because the kids’ dentist is calling, or your aunt wants to chat for half an hour. Make sure that you distribute your business phone number to clients, employees and employers only.

Make sure that there is adequate lighting for reading and doing paperwork. Also make sure that you have your career goals posted in sight – these will remind you to get back to work when your mind starts straying. Remember, you will only benefit from the amount of work that you actually get done!

Also, post your daily schedule somewhere that you will see it. This schedule should map out the way that you will divide your time between family, leisure and work. By doing this, you will avoid taking extremely long lunch breaks, or running out the door to pick up that item you forgot to get at the grocery store when it pops into your mind.

Finally, make your space a place you want to be! By making your office inviting, you will probably enjoy your work more and find yourself gravitating toward it instead of being repelled by it. Just make sure that it’s not overly inviting – afternoon snoozes are a big no no!

Lay2lose review - good or bad

After having the unique opportunity to see the software in action, I decided to write this Lay2Lose review to share my experiences. We all know there’s a ton of money to be made “laying horses” on betting exchanges, but can this product really get you a piece of the action? This is the main question I had in mind as I approached Lay2Lose, and in this short review I will answer it for you.

There seem to be a lot of “experts” out there in the world of horse racing who claim to have all of the tips and secrets that can make you rich. Rarely do they ever really work. This is the mentality I approached Lay2Lose with, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with what I found as I looked into the software.

First, the whole program is extremely straight forward. When they you don’t need any experience in betting on horse races, they aren’t kidding. When they say you don’t need to spend a lot of time working on the system, they are serious. Literally, with Lay2Lose you only need a minute a day to set up. Everything is completely automated, so as long as your computer is on it’s working for you.

Lay2Lose will automatically choose losing horses for you (hint for the inexperienced: this program makes you money by betting against horses it thinks will lose) and you can set up parameters so you’ll never bet on a horse that can lose you more money than you’re willing to gamble. The program works so well, you can even try it before you buy it! That’s confidence if I’ve ever seen it.

To say I highly recommend Lay2Lose would be an understatement. I think it’s the best software program out there. It’s compatible with Windows, so if you’ve got a PC it can work for you.

Blogging for seo how to get maximum search benefit from your small business blog

If you have a small business blog, or are thinking of starting one, you should be aware of the ways you can use your blog to drive traffic to your Website. It's simpler than you think.

The first thing to understand about your blog is that each entry is counted as one Web page. Even if you have your blog set to display 10 blog posts on the same page, each of them is counted as a separate Web page by the search engines. That's why it is important to treat each blog entry as an SEO tool. The following tips should be kept in mind for each blog entry in order to optimize them for the search engines and drive more traffic to your Website from your blog:

1. Optimize each blog post around a single keyword

2. Make sure your keyword is in your blog post title, preferably at the beginning

3. Use subheads with or tags that also use your keyword

4. Include 1-3 keyword links (anchor text) in your blog posts

5. Sign every blog post with a signature link that uses your keyword

6. Use bold and italics effectively to emphasize certain keywords and phrases

7. Be sure to ping the directories

8. Include tags for all of your blog entries

9. Use categories effectively

10. Make links appear natural by linking to internal pages of your Website

Because each blog entry is a separate Web page, the search engines will crawl them and index them just as they do your Web pages. Optimize each one heavily around a specific keyword related to your Website and that's an extra doorway into your Website for each page indexed at the search engines. Also, by adding anchor text to a couple of those keywords and pointing those links to relevant internal Web pages of your Website you are improving the SEO effect of your blog entry. A poll of top SEO experts by SEOmoz revealed that a majority of those SEO experts said these type of keyword links are among the top 10 most important SEO factors for ranking Web pages. Don't give up on keywords and anchor text.

You'll also want to include keyword tags with each blog entry. Those tags will be used by the search engines to index your pages appropriately for your keywords. Also, social bookmarkers will find it easier to tag your blog entry if they like it and this makes it easier to share among their social group.

Your blog category should indicate an important element of interest as well. Unlike tags, you should only choose one category for each blog post. Don't use "main" or "uncategorized." Those are too generic. Use a specific keyword-related category as that will make your blog posts more crawlable by the search engines.

There are more than 100 blog directories that you can ping to let them know you have updated your blog. I suggest you do this every time you update your blog. With WordPress, and several other blogging software platforms, you can input each directory into a field and the software will send out an automatic ping each time you update your blog. If you are not using WordPress you should go to Ping-o-Matic and use it to ping your blog for free.

Finally, if you sign your blog posts with a keyword-rich signature that points to a relevant internal page of your Website, this will make your Website more crawlable and give you another anchor text link. Use something like, "Find Out More About Keyword." Then add another link that points to your home page.

The important thing to remember about keywords and links, whether on your blog or your Website, is to make them appear natural. The benefits are enormous.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Learning to buy va repo homes

Finding savings on a new home may seem tough in the competitive market of today, but with the help of BankForeclosuresSale, it doesn't have to be so difficult. We'll show you how there are actually many different kinds of discount real estate out there available for purchase at extremely low prices. One of the most lucrative types of properties available is VA repo homes, and we can help you learn all about them.

VA repossessed homes are a particular type of property that is available for purchase from a division of the federal government known as the Department of Veteran Affairs. This department is responsible for a great deal of lending to homeowners for mortgages. However, when a homeowner defaults on their mortgage payments, and is unable to find a way to settle the debt, the lending agency will be forced to repossess and then sell the property in question through an auction.

This is where the potential for savings presents itself to homebuyers and investors. Since homes for sale at these kinds of sales only need to be sold for the remaining debt owed by the homeowner and not their full value, many real estate VA is often undersold. If you pick the right sales, you can often find savings of anywhere from 10 to 50% the market value of an incredible home!

Finding Foreclosure Real Estate

With BankForeclosuresSale, you'll be able to search for thousands of real estate homes available for bargain prices all over the United States. We'll show you all kinds of repo for sale at auctions and sales in every state, and not just through government agencies. There are also all kinds of distressed properties available from banks and lending institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But whether you choose to pursue VA repossessed homes or any of the many other options, we'll teach you all about how to buy it for the best price possible.

Using Our Repossessed Homes Resources

Our online educational library is chock full of great educational information and advice on procedures and processes for pursuing a wide range of real estate repo. We also provide insider tips and advice on getting the most value for your money by assessing values and forecasting costs. And our 24-hour Customer Support service is always there to help you choose the best deals out there and answer any questions you run into along the way.

So instead of relying on a real estate broker to help you find a good value on a home, let BankForeclosuresSale show you how to buy VA repo homes!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Cut utilities bills by auditing your home

Most people are shocked these days when they open their utility bill. By auditing your home, you can turn a monstrous utility bill into a minor annoyance.

Home Energy Audit

It happens every month. You pick up the mail and see an envelope from the utility company. Oh, the agony! Should I open it now and ruin the day or just wait. An energy audit can make the pain of getting your utility bill go away or at least become a dull ache.

Unlike a tax audit, you can conduct an energy audit by yourself. Simply walking through your home and paying close attention to energy issues can really pay off. Let’s take a look at some obvious problems that can save you a bundle.

The number one energy waster is a leak. Much like a leak in the tire of a care, even one leak from the interior to exterior of the home can raise your utility bill by as much as 30 percent. The most common area you will find such leaks are windows and doors.

Windows and doors are undisputedly the area where most air leaks occurs. The first issues is whether air is actually leaking out through the framing of windows or the area around the bottom of the door. You can typically tell this by feeling for a notable temperature difference in these areas. If is significantly cooler, you have a leak.

As people in cold climates know, having sealed windows is simply not enough to control heating costs in the winter. Most windows on homes are designed for year around use, which makes them huge energy wasters in the winter. Going with energy-efficient windows can make a huge difference in keeping the heat in and the cold out.

If you’ve walked through your home and haven’t found any significant problems with your windows and doors, you may still have one. To really give your home an efficiency test, you can hire contractors to perform a pressurization test. The test essentially raises the pressure in your home and looks for leaks.

Fixing any leaks you find will depend entirely upon the nature of the problem. Some fixes only require additional caulking or insulation while others are unique. Regardless, making your home more energy efficient will significantly cut your utility bill this year and for years to come.

Cure poor eyesight

People tend to think that better eyesight always relate to eye surgery or glasses. Eye surgery is very risky and could lead to irreversible damage. Glasses maintains vision problem and do nothing in order to cure it. Yet, there are healthy natural treatments which cure poor eyesight symptoms. The only problem is that these methods are being hidden and disregarded by doctors and optometrists who wish people will continue to buy glasses and risk their eyes with laser eye surgeries. It is better to avoid the risks and try these basic simple exercises first. They could improve your eye vision dramatically.

Eye chart

Its purpose is to exercise the eye to a healthy behavior of shifting instead of central fixation. Hang the eye chart and move to a distance where you can read the first 4 lines. Look at the first letter carefully close your eyes and try to visualize it in your imagination. Try to create a clear picture of it. Instead of static letter try imagining it slowly swinging. Repeat this with the rest of the letters in the four first lines you can read.


This is a very important exercise. People think that their eyes rest when they sleep. Actually, on the dreaming stage they keep moving and work as if the person is a wake.

Therefore, proper resting is crucial. For best performance you need a quite and comfortable place like your favorite couch. Cover your eyes with your hands, and try to feel as pleasant as you can. Listen to the music you like best, or try to imagine your favorite view. The eyes need about 10-15 minutes to reach full relaxation, the longer the better. It is recommended, to perform it daily for 15 minutes or a few times a day for 5 minutes.


Reading is a very important task for the eyes as it is performed on daily basis. It is important to adjust natural way of reading which will reduce eye tension and will educate the eyes for better, healthy vision habits. Healthy eyes read a sentence by focusing on each letter and then moving to the next one. A tensed eye will jump from word to word and will try to read the complete sentence in a few eye glances. Reading large areas instead of focusing on central vision, letter by letter, lead to increased eye tension. It is best to move slowly from letter to letter as a practice. At the end of each page focus on a point a few meters a way. This will ease the tension on the eyes from the reading.

Tiny writing

This exercise requires the eye to use its central vision. The eyes and the mind should be very relaxed to avoid over pressure on the eye when reading the tiny writing. Get text and print it from and word processor in size 4 or 3. It should be black text on a white paper. Hold it against your eyes and read it in a slow and relaxed mode. Make sure you keep blinking often and look at a distanced point once in a while.

Physical exercises

It is important to understand that the aim of these exercises is to make eyes muscles more elastic and avoid tension. First try to feel your eyes: are they tensed? If so try to feel exactly where, and relax that area. Look at an object not far from you, and move your eyes: ten times up and down and ten times left to right, then in circles for 5 times. Take a piece of paper with a dot at its top edge. Bring it as close as 5 CM from your nose and then move it away as far as you can. Concentrate on the dot all time, do it for about tem times. Hold the piece of paper close to your nose, look at for a few seconds and then look at a distant point for a few seconds. Again do it for ten times.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Women s college basketball

We've come a long way since the inception of women's college basketball.

The first game, played in 1893 at Smith College, was played between sophomores and freshmen. However, the first "official" women's college basketball match was recognized in April 1896 with a game between Berkley and Stanford. This match was played in a locked gymnasium, as men were not allowed to watch as the women ran and jumped on the basketball court.

In 1901 a separate set of rules was written for women's college basketball. The early years involved some crazy rules. The basket was sewn shut, so the umpire had to go up and retrieve the ball whenever a goal was scored. In addition, it was required that some games be played on grass courts. Thankfully, the game progressed and over the years the rules were modified.

The Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women did not conduct the first National Basketball Tournament for Women until 1975. In this same year, the Women's Basketball Coaches Association selected their first All-America Team. The American Basketball League (ABL) was founded in 1996, and the Women's National Basketball Association followed in 1997. These associations were created to keep talented American players from moving to foreign leagues.

Then NCAA continues to supervise women's college basketball, having three divisions in place to filter the best players. Division I remains the most prominent and popular league, played by colleges that sponsor at least seven sports for women players. These colleges are required to play all but two of their games against other Division I teams. Division II includes those colleges that organize at least four sports each for women, and they are required to play at least half of their games against Division I or Division II teams. Division III includes colleges that organize at least five sports with two teams.

Winners of 31 conferences are automatically qualified for NCAA's annual Women's Basketball Championship. The remaining 34 teams are chosen by a selection committee to make it a field of 64. All of these teams are then organized in four pools, with each pool seeded from one to 16.

The annual tournament begins on the third Thursday of March. The first two days are most hectic, with a total of 32 teams leaving the competition by the end of the first day. By the end of day two, another 16 teams will be eliminated. Then, the action really begins to heat up as they remaining teams play for the Final Four position, and then the playoff for the ultimate tournament winner.

Women's college basketball has certainly evolved from those grass court days of the 1800's, making today's sport an exciting part of modern day professional athletics.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The double minded man

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways,” wrote the ancient apostle James (KJV, James 1:8). When part of us wants one thing and another part of us wants something else, we become double minded. And, like James taught, when we are double minded, it is nearly impossible to achieve our goals—we’re unstable.

This is perhaps the single most significant obstacle individuals encounter on the path to creating goals and realizing dreams.

I often use this physical description to explain the dilemma: Let’s say that I live in Kansas and I want to go on vacation—to both New York City and Los Angeles. I can’t decide which one (and I can’t take two vacations)! Part of me really wants to drive east to New York, while part of me wants to drive west to LA. These two destinations are on opposite ends of the United States. I’m sitting in my car, trying to decide. I know that I can go to only one city at a time, so I must pick one. I can’t vacillate between locations and expect to arrive at any destination; if I started driving, I could literally spend hours going around in circles and never get anywhere.

The same thing can happen to us when we set goals. Obviously, if we’ve set a goal, a part of us must want the thing we’re fervently attempting to manifest. But other parts of our subconscious selves may not agree with the conscious plans we’ve set. In order to complete the creation process, we must discover those subconscious parts, overcome them, and then be single-minded in our goals.

Here are a few examples. Let’s say I want to make more money. Let’s also say that I come from a lower income family. Growing up, my family spent a lot of time relaying non-verbal messages that having money is bad—people who have a lot of money are selfish and greedy, I learned. This means, that I might even be bad for seeking after money. I’ve become conflicted. Part of me wants to make money; but part of me is afraid that if I do, I may not be loved or accepted by my family. Even though making more money is a great goal and would benefit my current family—and I have the ability to accomplish the goal—if I don’t overcome my feelings about money, I’ll never be able to take the action needed to realize my dream.

Here’s another example. Let’s say that part of me wants to lose weight. But part of me feels safe when I am heavier. I feel protected and secure when I eat foods that don’t support my weight loss. In this situation, my goal to lose weight is in direct opposition to the parts of me that use food for comfort and stress relief. I can never lose weight if part of me continues to think that food is the best way to find emotional relief.

These subconscious feelings are hard to admit—and sometimes hard to discover.

I’ve learned, however, that the intentions of our hearts eventually manifest themselves, regardless of our conscious efforts. This truth can be observed in every universal aspect, including in the life of a pigeon. Did you know that pigeons can be taken from their home nests and placed half way around the world from their birth environment and, through their simple, instinctive desire to return home (one that is programmed within them), they will eventually come back to their original nests.

Our intentions are powerful! If we want something other than what we deeply intend within our hearts, we will find ourselves conflicted. If we want to find approval from our families more than we want to change our financial habits, we’ll never reach the goal of making more money. If we want to receive comfort from food more than we want to lose weight, we’ll never drop the pounds we’d like to.

As you work to achieve your goals, take some time to perform some self-exploration. Ask yourself these questions:

Am I double minded about my dreams?

Is part of me afraid to get what I want?

When I listen to my heart, what do I hear myself say I want?

Are these answers conflicting?

If so, how can they be resolved?

If you need further assistance, refer to "Healing Your Family History" (Rebecca Hintze, foreword by Stephen R. Covey, Hay House, Inc., 2006). Specifically go over chapter three, "Getting Past Ground Hog Day."

Phonics lesson plans for your child

Phonics lesson plans are the foundation by which you can be better prepared to help your child to begin to learn to read. You must be prepared in order to make the most of your time together and to make the most of your child’s attention span. With an early introduction to phonics, you are giving your child a head start on a lifetime of literacy.

A lesson plan must be created with the goal of teaching your child the 44 sounds and the 43 phonics rules of the English language and how to appropriately apply them. The question is what lesson plan will most effectively accomplish this task?

There are numerous websites available that will provide you with sample lesson plans for phonics instruction; however, in this article let’s talk about what you should look for in a strong lesson plan. With just a bit of planning, you can help teach your child to become an accomplished and confident reader.

When evaluating any lesson plan, there are several items to consider. Ask yourself these questions. Is the plan creative, interactive and supportive of the early reader’s efforts? Does the lesson plan utilize a variety of methods, such as textual, visual, audio, etc, to teach the concepts of phonics? Are there multiple opportunities in the lesson for your child to learn, practice, play and repeat what they have learned? It is through hearing and seeing the reading concepts in a variety of ways that your child will conceptualize and then utilize their newfound knowledge.

When our children were early readers, we utilized a lesson plan in which we created personalized booklets together. After we selected the letter we were going to study for the week, we cut the letter out of brightly colored card stock paper. We then made a small booklet by choosing several sheets of standard size card stock paper and stapling them together in the upper left corner. On the front page, we glued the letter for the week. Throughout the week, we looked through old magazines and selected pictures of items that started with the same letter and sound as our letter of the week. We then glued these pictures to the blank pages of our book and printed the word under the picture.. This allowed us to reinforce the recognition of the letter and the sound of the letter. By the end of the week, we often had to add extra blank pages because the children were so into the fun of searching out those pictures that matched the letter of the week. The booklet proved to be so valuable and became dog-eared from all the use.

Teaching phonics to your child only takes a commitment of time and a bit of creativity. Searching for phonics lessons plans will take some time, yes, but believe me when you hear your child begin to put sounds together and then begin to read you will realize it was time very well spent.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Golf tips tips to improve your putting

If you are seriously considering lowering your scores, then you must take your putting seriously, as roughly half the strokes you play in a round of golf are likely to be on the putting green. However good you are at driving, pitching and chipping, if your putting is not up to standard, you will never make the next level. My Dad told me the famous quote when I was probably about 12 or 13, ‘Drive for show putt for dough’, this says it all! That is why it is quite incredible that putting is not often concentrated on.

Tips for setup:

First of all I’d just like to say that there is no one correct putting grip/posture/stroke, there are wide variations, so if your technique is different, don’t worry, some of the top golfers have very different putting actions e. g. Bernhard Langer, Ben Crenshaw and Tom Watson all have very different techniques. These are basic tips that can be applied to most techniques to help improve your game.

An ideal putting stroke should strike the ball on the up, to do this the ball should be placed opposite the inside of the left heal (for a right hander), this results in the ball being hit on the up and top spin is generated.

In relation to setup, the hands should be either inline with the ball or ahead of the ball, if the hands are behind the ball, then a clean consistent strike of the ball is not likely, and the common result is the ball popping up in the air.

Tension on the green is one the most destructive things that can happen to your putting, especially with the short putts, this is known as getting the ‘yips’, this is caused by moving during the stroke. This causes you to ‘fluff’ your shot and miss your putt. To avoid this happening, concentrate on the spot where the ball was after impact rather than following the ball. This ensures that you do not move your head during impact and will help give you the clean smooth impact you require.

A simple technique to reduce the tension in the body and the stroke is simply to let your arms dangle in front of you before you putt and gently shake them. This should relax your muscles enabling an enhanced sensation of feel and touch, both vital for reliable consistent putting.

Tips for the swing

Your grip should not be too tight, and your arms should be relaxed. Gently and smoothly in a one piece action, sweep the putter backwards. It is important to keep the triangle formed between your arms and the line joining your shoulders consistent through the whole shot and the shape should not change. The move backwards should be like a pendulum movement with your arms, while your wrists remain stiff. A good tip for making sure that this is correct is by starting the action by dropping your left shoulder; this will get the pendulum motion started.

Keeping the triangle mentioned before in tact, in a pendulum motion, accelerate the putter smoothly through the ball; the ball should be hit on the up. Throughout this whole period, keep your eyes fixed on the ball to avoid fluffing the putt and keep the eyes fixed on that spot after impact.

It is vital after impact that the left wrist remains firm and does not break; the follow-through should go inline with the direction you were aiming and should be the same length as the backswing.

Key points

Try and relax before playing the stroke, this will help enhance your feel and touch and help avoid the yips due to excess tension

The stroke should be a pendulum action swinging with your shoulders and arms while the wrists remain stiff.

Don’t move your head during the swing.

Swing in a relaxed smooth fashion with a smooth and constant rhythm.

Keep the wrists firm throughout the stroke.

Play the ball from underneath the eyes.

Have the ball in the front of the stance to ensure that the ball is hit on the up.

Five easy ways to have optimal health

Everyone can improve their health by simply following these guidelines. Be optimistic, eat right, exercise, sleep well, and find purpose for your life. Follow these and you will become healthier, happier, and more productive.

1. Put away fear and worry and find joy. There are health professionals who recommend not watching or listening to the news. Reading the daily newspaper in the morning starts your day off on a negative path. The news brings you crisis after crisis, tearing you down.

Change your thinking to one of optimism and gratitude. Thinking of things you can be thankful for is a great exercise every morning. Be thankful for life, for family, for the ability to see and to think. It doesn't matter what you put in the blank. The important thing is to develop a thankful heart.

2. Eat right. Eat more whole foods, less processed foods, and overcome your addictions to junk food. That is hard to hear and perhaps even harder to follow, but it is so vitally important to your overall health.

Besides eating the right foods you need to be careful not to overeat. Overeating causes us to age faster, increases wrinkles, and greatly increases our chances of acquiring many diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. If you need to, decrease the amount of food you eat.

At the same time increase the percentage of whole foods in your diet. Whole foods improve your health and improve your immune system. Eat 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day and reduce the amount of sugar and salt in your diet. You will notice a difference in your energy level and your overall health.

3. Get adequate sleep. If you do not sleep enough your body is not going to function efficiently. It will even slow down your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose extra weight. Also, a lot of hormones are secreted in high levels during sleep which allows your body to recuperate and repair. For example, if you are an athlete or a body builder, not getting enough sleep will increase your chances of injury or failure.

4. Exercise regularly. The average person should try to exercise every day, raising their heart rate a little bit and keeping it there for 20 minutes or so. If you cannot do it every day or every other day, at least do it every three days. Studies have shown that after being sedentary for 72 hours the body's metabolism starts to decrease.

5. Find purpose in your life. Even people who have experienced horrendous illness have been able to survive for a long, long time because they had a reason to live. They have become incredibly useful individuals within their family and social and community spheres despite their illness.

These five guidelines are very basic and within reach of most people. Followed closely they can lead to a longer, healthier and a more fulfilling life.


Mallorca’s permanent foreign community of 16.8% is the largest of any province in Spain with significant numbers coming from Germany, France, Italy and South America. The population of Mallorca stands at 791,000, with that of the Balearics in general at just over a million, an increase of 31% in the last ten years.

The general objective of offering the visitor quality and variety year round has been embraced by all sectors of the island’s tourism industry. The overall number of hotel establishments has been reduced, whilst the number of 4 and 5 star hotels has almost tripled since the early 90s. In general, most property professionals agree that business has been healthy, with steady requests for the blueprint mallorca villa , preferably with sea view

Monday, June 13, 2016

Depression and suicide someone intervene before it gets that bad

Depending on how depression impacts a person it is possible that depression can lead to thoughts of suicide and depending on the magnitude of the depression sometimes those thoughts can lead a person to actually commit suicide.

What keeps us from noticing the signs and from intervening before it gets to that level? Do we simply not recognize the signs are do we choose to ignore them out of ignorance?

For many suffering with depression feel as if it is a relief, the final end for those who have struggled mightily with the demons of depression. However, too often the loved ones and family members of those who are suffering most deeply with depression believe incorrectly that there is simply no way that suicide will be the end result.

This fallacy has led to many a broken family as suicide and depression go hand in hand far too often. We are quite incapable as families and friends of those suffering with depression to “treat” the condition. It is vital that you help the person suffering by getting them to a professional who can help. Find a professional that will listen and don’t stop advocating for your loved one until you get the help they need.

There is no need in trying to really understand the depths of depression and the demons that it brings unless you have battled the war yourself.

Too often we brush off comments that begin to sound darker and darker thinking to ourselves “life just isn’t all that bad... there’s no way my friend or loved one would actually go through with it... they can shake it off”.

Danger, danger... you must not think in this manner. Thoughts of and thinly veiled comments of suicide are not a call for attention, they are a cry for help, they are a cry that should ring through your soul and you should not rest until you have helped your loved one get the help the so desperately need. Do not brush it off…take it seriously…and get moving... intervene now.

It is important to dispel the myth that if a person talks about suicide that they will not make a suicide attempt.


In fact speaking of this heinous act is how you can know that the depression has actually reached the depths of the pit. If you hear these comments, stop whatever you are doing and get professional help for your loved one. This is not a comment that you can ignore. It is simply too serious.

The apathy and hopelessness brought on by the depression can cause someone not to even be able to think rationally anymore. They probably are not even able to form a thought that says “I am going to kill myself because I have nothing to live for”, they generally feel so much apathy about life itself that suicide seems a sweet relief.

Those suffering with depression are at an even higher risk for suicide if they are using alcohol and drugs to numb the pain of depression. Suicide does not distinguish between classes of people; it does not just target the rich or the poor. Suicide crosses all social boundaries.

Often times we incorrectly assume that if we talk about suicide with a friend or loved one who is suffering from depression that we will give them that push they need, or we will somehow inadvertently give them “permission” to commit suicide. Again, this is a myth. Often talking about it helps to relieve some of the pressure and anxiety of keeping it hidden.

Another very common myth is that a suicide attempt is a method to get attention.

Good grief!

How many years is it going to take for us to realize this is wrong! Incorrect! No where close to the truth!

Any action taken to end one’s life is serious. While some believe that if someone attempts suicide using a method they know will ultimately fail, is just a call for help and not really all that serious. Regardless…hear this…any suicide attempt must be taken seriously and you must do whatever it takes to get help from a professional.

Thoughts and feelings that lead someone to make an attempt at suicide do not go away quickly. If the attempt is survived, do not just think everything is ok with the world. It’s not. Professionals must intervene and help to provide ongoing treatment in order to help work through what brought on the attempt or near attempt in the first place.

Depression and suicide often go hand in hand. Regardless of what you believe personally those suffering with depression need help and they need help now! Do not delay.

Help to find the professional assistance needed in order to deal with the dark depression threatening to engulf your friend or loved one.

Mileage credit card - choosing the best available

If you love flying to tropical islands and enjoying the sun and fun or travel to other locations for business and pleasure on your favorite airline then a mileage credit card may be something you would really enjoy. With a mileage credit card, you can earn points to redeem for such trips. If you choose the right mileage card, you will be able to receive enough points to take a trip to Acapulco for a unique vacation or just jump on a flight to visit your high school friends in Atlanta, San Diego, or any other city in the United States. Mileage cards are very popular and are the best way to earn free trips.

The mileage credit card is growing in popularity for one very good reason. If you choose the right mileage credit card you will enjoy accumulating enough points to take not only yourself on an expensive vacation but every member in your family without paying for airline tickets. All you have to do to determine which mileage credit card fits your needs is to read and learn the differences each one offers.

Some people prefer to apply for a mileage credit card with only one airline. This means that you will only accumulate points when you travel on their airline and will only be able to use them for your free or discounted travel plans. However, you can find mileage cards that offer you the choice between different airlines for collecting points and for your free trips. In addition, you must be sure that if you choose one airline that they travel to your favorite destination, or you may not be saving toward that trip to Acapulco. So, check with each mileage credit card before you make your final decision to ensure you can travel to all locations that you wish.

Some mileage credit cards have membership or annual fees that you must pay. Some people do not enjoy paying these yearly fees, but you must remember that these fees may actually aid you in getting more air miles in a shorter amount of time. If you use your mileage credit card for any type of business travel, it can also be a tax deduction.

Another thing to check with every mileage credit card is their mileage plan. You should look for answers to these important questions, will by points or air miles expire, can I receive double miles, and if they have any blackout dates.

Learn what the annual percentage rate will be after their introductory special. Many mileage credit card companies offer 0 percent for the first twelve months and then the rates rise drastically. Learn what these means if you normally carry a balance on your credit instead of paying if off.

Learn everything you can charge purchases for to accumulate points. Some mileage cards offer benefits such as added points when you purchase such items as gas for your car, groceries, and more.

Now you kind of have an idea of what to look for, now get out there and search, so you can enjoy that much-needed vacation in the setting of your choice.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pay per click advertising and marketing

When I think of Pay Per Click, I think of a marketing strategy that has two different sides - one where you pay for published ads and one where you get paid for publishing ads. Somebody is always paying for the click, whether it is you clicking on someone's ad or another person clicking on your ad. Pay Per Click depends on how you look at who is paying.

If you use Google to search the internet then you may find that your search results include "Sponsored Links" (on the right hand side of the search results page). If you click on any of the Sponsored links, the advertiser that placed the ad you clicked must pay Google for that click. If the advertiser is you, you are the one that pays. The price that you would pay depends on how much you have bid on the keywords used to generate the ad. This marketing tactic is called Google Adwords.

In addition to the ads being displayed with the search results, Google allows owners of websites and Blogs to display the same ads as contextual ads. Contextual refers to content that relates to the subject of your web page. This system is called Google Adsense. Each time a visitor clicks on an ad Google pays the owner of the website for that click. If you have traffic going to your web site and you display the Google Adsense Ads on a page and someone clicks an ad, you make money.

Note that Google Adwords and Google Adsense compliment each other and are in fact, the inverse of each other.

Google Adwords Pay Per Click is a good way to get quick targeted traffic to your website. Because you are paying for an ad promoting your site or affiliate link, those that click your ad will be directed to your site. The efficiency of your ad (click through rate or CTR) will depend on the ad copy and the keywords. The keywords that you have in the ads that are searched for dictate when your ad is displayed. Read the article at URL theonlinebizplace. com/Make-Money-With-Adwords. html to get informed on how to make the most of a Google Adwords campaign as a tool to make money.

Google Adsense is a good way to make an "automatic" recurring income. Automatic assuming your ads are getting the clicks and generating the income you expect. Some tweaking of the ad placement, colors, etc. may be neccessary for optimization. When a Google Adsense ad on your site is clicked, both you and Google make a split percentage of the total of the bid price for the keyword that the ad was displayed and clicked for. Read the article at URL theonlinebizplace. com/Make-Money-With-Google-Adsense. html to get informed on how to make the most of having Adsense ads on your site for generating an automatic income.

Another type of ad that is gaining in popularity is the Chitika eMiniMall. Chitika eMiniMalls are advertisements that display a picture and a description of the product, the best deals where the product can be purchased and a search feature. If you want to display Google Adsense ads and Chitika ads on the same web page, Google requires specific modifications to the Chitika ads. Read the article at URL theonlinebizplace. com/Make-Money-With-Chitika-Ads. html to get all the tips you need to properly place your Chitika eMiniMall ad on your site for another great way towards an automatic income.

Both Yahoo and Microsoft are in beta right now with their own equivalent to Google Adsense. The Yahoo ad network is called Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) and Microsoft's network is called Adcenter. I have not tried these networks out yet, but I may find myself doing that if I find that ad clicks yield a higher amount or percentage to the web site publisher.

There are several other pay per click networks available to try as well. Some of these would be RevenuePilot, Bidclix, CBclicks, Adsclick and Bidvertiser. I am sure there are even more than this. If you are interested, search them out and see if they fit for your own website's use.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Home electronics how to find hot deals

On wish lists around the country, home electronics have bypassed traditional favorites like clothes, lingerie, and jewelry as the most coveted items. But whether you're buying home electronics for yourself and your family, or as a gift, the burning question is always: Where do I find hot deals?

After all, why pay premium prices for LCD flat screen TVs, an iPod, a digital camera, or a cell phone when you can get hot deals at a fraction of the cost? While it's true that the prices for all home electronics are trending downward, it pays to shop around for the best possible prices before you make a purchase.

LCD Flat Screen TVs: Although LCD flat screen TVs for home entertainment systems are massive and relatively expensive, portable LCD flat screen TVs are ultimately affordable - especially when you can find hot deals and discount prices. For example, a seven-inch LCD flat screen TV with a full channel VHF/UHF receiver, built-in speakers, 1440 x 234 resolution and an active matrix display, a detachable and mountable stand, and A/V input jacks might list for $249.99. You can, however, find it for $144.29, a savings of over 42 percent.

iPod: Every family needs at least one iPod, and although the iPod Shuffle lists for $179.99, there are places where you can get hot deals and purchase an iPod shuffle for $109.43, or a discount of 39 percent. Likewise, you can save over 27 percent on an iPod Nano, and pay only $289.77. If you're willing to buy a refurbished model, you can get it even cheaper.

Digital Camera: Let's face it: film cameras are so twentieth century. There's no need to bother with bulky camera equipment and film and developing costs when you can snap all the pictures you want with a digital camera. And, there's truly a digital camera for every budget, with prices ranging from $100 to $10,000 and more. But when you look for hot deals, you can get a lot more camera for your money. If your budget is $150, for example, you can probably find a digital camera that retails for $299, but that is discounted almost 50 percent. Again, if you are willing to buy a refurbished digital camera, the savings can be even greater.

Cell Phone: Everyone in the family needs a cell phone, so it only makes sense to look for hot deals on cell phones. If you buy every family member the same cell phone (or the same cell phone in a variety of colors), you can usually find a calling plan that is extremely cost effective.

There's no question that hot deals on home electronics - and even electronics that double as a car accessory - are out there. Your best bet is to look for an online discount source. Because online stores don't have to pay the overhead that brick-and-mortar stores have to pay, they usually offer lower prices. Online stores also move a lot of inventory, so their hot deals usually surpass those of even the electronics megastores. Always comparison shop, but remember that for the best hot deals, let your mouse do the clicking.

Friday, June 10, 2016

The pros and cons of cavity back irons

Whenever I talk about irons in my golf lessons, students invariably ask which style is best—cavity back or blade. The cavity back has its advantages and its disadvantages. It also has its fans.

Golfers, however, shouldn’t choose an iron style because it’s popular in the clubhouse, since the style many not fit their game. The key to iron styles, as I’ve said in my golf tips, is finding what’s right for you.

Cavity backs are popular these days—and for good reason. A cavity back has a small amount of metal removed from the back of its clubface, producing a small hole. Removing the metal re-distributes the clubhead’s weight around the edges of the clubface, father away from the center of gravity (COG).

Re-positioning the COG creates a much more forgiving iron, with a larger sweet spot along the blade. Thus, a mis-hit with a cavity back is more likely to stay on target than a similar shot with a blade. Why? Because the cavity back twists less in a player’s hand when the ball is mis-hit. A mis-hit with a cavity back is also more likely to travel farther than with a blade.

Cavity backs are “game improvement’’ clubs, offering special features that help golfers play better, like an oversize head. I’ve talked about these clubs in my golf tips. Players with high and mid golf handicaps prefer cavity backs, although some low handicappers and touring pros use them.

Blade irons are not as popular as cavity backs. A blade iron features a solid clubface back, distributing the weight more evenly across the clubface, closer to the clubhead’s COG. Thus, a blade has a much smaller sweet spot than a cavity back. A blade is also much less forgiving than a cavity back because it twists more in a player’s hands on mis-hits.

Distributing the weight evenly across the clubface, however, creates an iron with better control and more feel. These irons need to be hit nearly perfectly, though, to avoid a bad shot. Thus, it takes a lot of practice and experience to hit these irons well, something I work on in my golf lessons with low handicappers.

The blade iron is known as a more traditional iron because it lacks the cavity back’s special game improvement features. Players with low golf handicaps and touring pros prefer the blade style iron because the added control and feel enables them to shape their shots better—a necessity when playing on challenging courses.

Manufacturers make cavity backs and blades in cast and forged versions. The terms “cast” and “forged” refer to the manufacturing process used to form the iron head’s shape.

Casting turns the metal from which the iron head is made into a molten liquid, which is then poured into a mold to form the iron head. It’s then left to cool.

Forging involves pounding or compressing the metal, in it’s solid form, from which the iron head is made into the desired shape. Other machining and drilling steps complete production.

The manufacturing process has no impact on the iron’s capabilities, as I’ve explained in previous golf tips. If you have two irons, one forged and one cast, of exactly the same shape, with the same center of gravity, same loft, same grip, hitting the same ball, and so on, the shots will travel the same distances 99 percent of the time. And the players won’t know which iron head is cast and which forged.

You need to find the iron style that best fits your game, as I point out in my golf instruction. If you’re a less experienced golfer, the cavity back is probably a wiser choice, since you’re more likely to mis-hit a ball. If you’re a more experienced player, then a blade is probably your best choice, since it provides more control and better feel for shaping shots.

The best way of choosing a style that fits your needs is to test it out. Hit a few balls with each style. If one style feels better than another does, and you have confidence in it, that’s the style that’s right for you.

The mortgage calculator and your terms

A mortgage calculator can help you to do many things including understand the terms of your loan. The term of the loan is the length of time that you will hold that loan for. This is often something that you can change to suit your needs. But, in order to know just what the solution is that is right for you, you will want to insure that you actually see what the various options will do. A home loan is a very serious loan and it is one that can make or break you if you do not do your homework.

But, you can use a mortgage calculator to help you to do this. Most home loans will be able to be gotten in a variety of terms. They can range from 5, 7, 10, 15, 30 or even a 40 year loan. Now, there are many things that will help you to decide which the right choice is for your loan. Remember, the longer you hold the loan, the more that you will pay for it. But, also, the longer the loan is the lower your monthly payment is going to be as well. This often helps those that would like to get more of a house to extend it to a longer period of time as well as allows individuals that are looking for the most inexpensive loan option to pay it down faster.

Now, to know how much a longer or a shorter term will cost you, you can use a mortgage calculator. This tool will allow you to put in the values of the loan that you are considering. You will put in the terms of the loan, the interest rate that it is being offered at as well as any down payment that you may be offering. Then, it will produce a good amount of information for you. It will provide you with information on how much the monthly payment will be, so that you can see if it is something you can afford. It will also tell you the total cost of the loan with those terms.

Now, take the mortgage calculator back and refigure your information. You are looking to add in the terms of a different length. For example, if you entered information the first time for a ten year loan, try a 15 instead. Now, compare the monthly payment amounts as well as the total cost of the loan in the long run. You can keep doing this until you determine which the right loan terms for your home purchase are.

When you take the time to compare these various terms, you’ll see the amount of money that you will be really charged to purchase the home that you want. There are many other things that this tool can tell you as well. It can help you to figure out the total cost of the loan at various interest rate levels and with different types of loans as well. The mortgage calculator is a tool that every home buyer needs to have and use.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Electronic medical record software and patients paying for missed appointments

In a recent BBC study two thirds of all doctors polled said that any patients who miss appointments have to pay for the appointment of at very least pay a fine or a penalty.

Here in the United States the physicians are a bit tight lipped. There is even a legal question as to whether or not a doctor can even charge for a missed appointment. The answer is a big maybe.

Many believe it has to do with the relationship you have with your doctor and if there a contractual obligation by the patient. Others say that there can not be a charge for "Services NOT rendered".

Many doctors charge and just as many would like to but think it may be a public relations nightmare. There are even more considerations. What about insurance, will they pay for missed appointment, actually some will.

Obviously this is a sensitive subject for all but most progressive physicians have purchased practice management software (electronic medical records and EMR software) that can mitigate the problem. New electronic medical records and medical billing software such as ReminderPro is a user-friendly, interactive patient calling system that delivers doctor-to-patient communication through telephone and email messages automatically. Practices are able to enhance patient care, reduce appointment no-shows, and increase productivity.

The trend is positive, many doctors that have implemented such EMR software now lowers the incidents of missing appointments and driving more profits to the practice's bottom line.

Monday, June 6, 2016

The power of internet video marketing

You’ve probably seen TV shopping info ads. Even if you didn’t end up buying the product advertised on TV, you must admit that seeing a demonstration of the product’s performance can be very persuasive and can induce many TV shoppers to part with their money.

Demo videos are truly powerful, and the good news is, you can make use of this power in the internet. You can market your company or products using internet videos.

Why Use Internet Videos for Internet Marketing

Internet videos are fast becoming the trendy way of advertising your products to potential customers. All you need to do is create a demonstration like the infomercials you see on TV through which you can extol the merits of your products, systems or services.

Internet video presentations are more interesting

Internet videos are way better than mere text or graphic advertisements. Nowadays, consumers suffer from information overload. The internet is prolific in content and the internet user and consumer can hardly catch up. They just glance over titles, subtitles and some bits and pieces of the paragraphs in between. If your text fails to hold their interest, say goodbye to potential sales.

Internet video presentations are better because in a matter of a few minutes, your customers can learn about your products in a more interesting and engaging manner. Videos are more dynamic than text ads and are therefore more attention grabbing. They beat text ads because your target consumer can see your product in action; they no longer have to imagine it.

Internet video presentations are more convenient

Video hosting technologies are fairly advanced to increase the convenience to consumers and therefore aid your internet marketing efforts. Video streaming, which allows consumers to watch your video without the need to download the material, facilitates hassle-free viewing.

Internet video hosting is becoming more affordable

Moreover, you don’t have to pay through the nose for video hosting services that provide video streaming support. Because of continuous technological innovations and increasing competition, these video hosting solutions have become much cheaper than they used to be.

Internet video presentations are easily distributed

One other advantage of using internet video media for internet marketing is the existence of numerous video distribution channels where you can post your videos for free. You can try YouTube, for instance, and reach the millions of visitors this video sharing site has. Exposure of this magnitude has never been this easy to attain.

Some Tips to Using Internet Video for Internet Marketing

To take advantage of the benefits to internet video marketing, you need to remember a few things. One, you should produce internet videos with high image and audio quality. Two, you should keep your internet videos short and simple – short because your typical internet viewer is in a hurry or easily bored, and simple because you need to be easily understood by everyone.

Third, stick to the highlights in your internet video presentation. Do not overload your viewers with figures and statistics. Select only those most relevant and give a rundown only on the key benefits of your products and services. For additional details, you can always include your text and graphic ads.

Finally, if you are posting your video on a site other than your own, be sure to direct your viewer to your web site by providing your link.

Billiards accessories-how to find the top pool equipment

There are a ton of billiards accessories for you to choose from today, and therefore it can be difficult to find the right ones. Very simply, when choosing pool and billiards equipment, you have your choice of which billiard chairs to pick from, billiard tables, billiards cues, balls, gloves, etc.

Therefore, it can be very easy to get lost in the clutter and end up purchasing the wrong accessories, or simply overpaying for ones you could have found much more cheaply elsewhere.

First of all, before you even begin looking for the right accessories, here is an important tip: try to find all the billiards supplies you purchase used, to save some money. Yes, you can still find very high quality pre owned equipment that comes minus the newer equipment price tag. Here is some important information to help you locate these bargains and great deals quickly.

First of all, billiard chairs are a very important piece of your billiard equipment. They play a very important role in determining how your billiard room will look. Since the chairs is such a vital part of the room, they will really add or diminish the appearance of the overall room look and feel. You don't spend a lot of money getting the perfect billiard room and then simply having the chairs take away from the look of it. It is important the chairs match the overall decor of the room to give it the look you want.

Keep in mind, these chairs are manufactured both with and without handles and cushions, and which one you decide to purchase is simply matter of how much you are willing to pay. They also come in two different heights; the first site is the counter height and bar height. These are the two most popular kind of billiard chairs purchased, and generally come in about 23 to 25 inches tall.

The ones that come taller than these are known as spectator chairs, and these usually come with a wide seat cushion, arched back, and also beverage holder. Of course, these are more expensive than the regular billiard chairs, but if you do have the money for these top-of-the-line chairs, paying the money it is probably worth it.

Keep in mind, these chairs are generally manufactured from either wood or iron. You can also get them cost designed to match your individual needs. Therefore, if the particular story you are shopping at doesn't have exactly what you want, you can order the chairs to be manufactured specifically for your rooms appearance.

You can generally have a choice between cherry, mahogany, maple, and just about any type of what that you want to chairs to be made of. The bottom line is, if the store doesn't have what your looking for, you don't need to settle for second best; when you pre-order what you want, you can still get the exact chair you want quickly and affordably.

Also, the billiards tables you purchase will certainly be a very crucial part of your equipment as well. When you are searching for billiards tables, there are a lot of different places you can shop as well.

You can find these at cheaper stores such as Kmart, Wal-Mart, and other discount stores. Also, you might try looking in the Internet in places such as the Billiard Zone, Billiard Warehouse, etc. These are two of the most popular billiards websites on the Internet today, and if you do plan shopping online come you should certainly start looking at these sources.

On the Internet there are many different companies that sell billiards tables directly from cheaper countries such as China or other third world countries, you can purchase them for a much more affordable price and if you confine your research to the United States. Also, when looking online, you can generally purchase these a wholesale prices, and sometimes below them. When you look at the store, you will generally full retail price.

Also, you might try looking in magazines for information about the right billiard accessories as well. There are many difficulties that publish these magazines, and therefore finding them really isn't all that difficult.

Here, you can find reviews on things such as McDermott, Predator, HRUSA, etc. Therefore, when you do your research and know what to look for, finding the right billiard accessories really is not that difficult at all. The most important thing is to know is what to look for beforehand, so you don't end up paying higher price than you really have to.

Mp3 and mp4 players

The mp3 has always been the main strength of music format since the year 1993 when the technology was first introduced. But the recent advent of the more compressed and wondering version of audio format – mp4 – upon the scene, has modified everything within its grasp with more aestheticism in the perception of digital sound. However, the general flock usually wonders as to how actually the mp4 tends to differ from the mp3 units. While some assume that the mp4s are more compressed, which makes it smaller as compared to the same audio files in mp3 format, some other thinks that the two are entirely different technologies.

There are many common features between the mp3 and mp4 players, while many points of distinctions do also exist. While comparing the two technologies the most significant point that strikes the mind first is that the mp4 format has come up with all the properties to make up the shortfalls of the mp3. As a matter of fact the quality of perception of the two files of same bit rates is much better with the mp4 format as compared to the mp3s.

Mp3 Structures And Players

Since the 1993, most of the downloadable symphonies and songs come in the mp3 format that allows the music lovers to stores their favorites in relatively smaller amount of space in the hard drive. To be very candid the mp3 format has been cursed with a series of limitations and drawbacks, which restrict the efficiency of its coding process. The limitations are as follows:

• Mp3 fails to switch the joint stereo mode for any specified scale factor bands. The joint stereo option, in case of mp3 technology, has to be used for all the bands that in turn tend to limit the use of joint stereo.

• The inoptimal window sizes result in the inoptimal time/frequency resolution in the mp3.

• The last i. e. the 21st scalefactor band for both the long and the short blocks has no own scalefactors

• The missing properties are, however, the Long Term Prediction (LTP), Temporal Noise Shaping (TNS), Spectral Band Replication (SBR) and Perceptual Noise Substitution (PNS).

Mp4 structures and players

Mp4 is basically a “container” and hence it has the potential to carry the video files along with the audio ones. Hence is the basic point to difference between the mp3 and mp4 is that the mp4 contains both the audio and video at the same time, whereas the mp3 format supports only the audio files. Within a very short spell of time the mp4 formats is expected to come with the mixed streams of both audio and video at the same time. The mp4 players basically allow you to realize something better and bigger than you can imagine. It is entirely a new concept known as Structured Audio and is a mode of describing the sound in an ultra-modern way. The mp4 technology is more potent description of sound that is going to be the future standard for the computer music, gaming audio, and varieties of multimedia applications altogether.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Credit card services - icing on the cake

When you are being encouraged to use the credit cards for transactions of all kinds that you do, it is but natural that the credit card issuing banks would also be eager to provide world class credit card services as well. Still there are apprehensions in some quarters about the secured environment that the credit card issuers provide, and this forms the first issue associated with the credit card services. Security is an area of concern, as this is what deters the user to go online or even to use the card services otherwise. The inhibition for a client to use the credit cards is the status of dilemma arising on account of the magnitude of card related frauds that keep on happening at different places all the times. To obviate this dilemma credit card companies are coming up with various kinds of credit card services. The whole gamut of services is to ensure that the credit card user is encouraged to use the card without any doubt in his mind.

There are quite a lot of different ways in which the credit card services are extended. One of them is the Authorized payment gateway through which a payment is done on the Internet. The authorized gateway is the fulcrum of the services under the credit card services, which certifies that the transaction that has been done is full proof and secure. The credit card services do this by encrypting the whole process of payment and the standard benchmark for the industry is 128-bit encryption.

The other manner in which the credit card services are extended is through the web sites. The web sites offer multitude of services and these services are facilitated through the credit card services, and it is the responsibility of the web sites to ensure that the transaction being performed is genuine. To ensure this the web sites take the telephone or e-mail of the user and send to them a correspondence confirming the conductance of the transaction. The mushrooming of the multitude of web sites is a pointer to the fact that the credit card services are working in the right direction.

Before the advent of the Internet era, the only option available for the credit card companies to extend the credit card services was through the retail stores. In fact the popularity that the credit card services have come to acquire for themselves has owed majorly to the encouragement that has been provided by the retail stores to popularize the usage of credit cards. With the mobile phones become a necessity rather than a luxury; they have also been incorporated as another medium for extending credit card services. Integration of credit card services with the mobile phones has further widened the horizon of the credit card usage. Now even if one is not having an Internet connection, one can perform all the transactions over a phone. To allay the apprehension about misuse of the card, the direct sales agent confirms that the information about the credit card being exchanged over the phone is fully secure. He also informs that for security and monitoring purposes whatever discussion is being conducted over the phone would be recorded for future reference, so that the customer is confident enough to conduct transactions.